+603-27806803 / +6017-6133039
Email : admin@mmha.org.my
Office Hours : Mondays to Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm
Millions of people around the world have taken this journey. Start yours with us now.
We offer a range of MHFA courses for individuals, corporations, educational institutions, students, front-liners, and even those already with MHFA accreditation.
Contact us to enquire more or if you are interested to book a course for your organization.
Contact us to enquire more or if you are interested to book a course for your organization.
Contact us to enquire more or if you are interested to book a course for your organization.
Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training (Training of Trainers) is for selected candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria. The 5-day course requires participants to demonstrate their understanding of the topics and practice their presentation skills on segments of the sessions allocated.
Participants who pass the Assessment Test at the end of the course, and successfully conducted one MHFA course under supervision, will be certified as Accredited MHFA Instructor. This is for a period of 4 years, after which they have to undergo Refresher Training to be recertified.
Contact us to enquire more or if you are interested to book a course for your organization.